Saturday, October 20, 2012

Creating posters has taken a bit of a take back, given the two jobs and the finding a job to replace one or all of them scenario.  I love art and creating it, but I get so caught up in my problems and my money it can get pushed to the sidelines far, far too often.  I had just finished my most recent poster that continues the dino sunburst series, where this timid looking orange raptor wants to say what's fantastic.  After creating it and taking a step back, I again had to remind myself what's fantastic.  I have two jobs in an economy where many have none.  I have a fit and healthy body, and good friends in my life.  I have a family that drives me insane but loves me and I love unconditionally.  I have a boyfriend who has always stood by my side in the worst of life and cheered me on in the best of it as well.  I can pay my bills, even if I can't afford my own place yet, and I will live on my own someday.  Is my life ideal?  Absolutely not, but I got so much on my side and that, my friends, is what's fantastic.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Long time no see.  Well I saw, I'd look at the page in anger and disgust because nothing was happening to it.  Like any artist good or bad, I tend to beat myself up for lack of skill or money flow and it results in lack of motivation.  Life gets you down and you look at your wacom tablet and go, "screw it."  Well, not anymore.
Sometimes it takes desperate and scary things to happen to make someone do something to better themselves, to feel good about them selves and feel sexy.  We all want to feel desired, worth it and sexy but we can never be that until we are worth it to ourselves first.  If that makes sense.  I'm not a writer here.

So I opened my first Etsy shop online, mainly focused on pinups and sexual things.  Like my jello post said, I am both sexual and I'm not.  I guess I never felt good enough to be exactly what I wanted, but that starts now.  For those of you who do read, please go to the site and check out some work that showcases confidence and sexy animals.  Hey, don't judge me.  Just look at stuff and maybe think of buying it, too.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

I am and I am not a very sexual person. I love sex, like anyone else, and I consider myself to have an amazing and extremely active love life. On the other side of things, I'm not very sexual. I don't really wear makeup or much jewelry. My skirt collection is very small, dancing is a mess and my hair normally more so. I've learn to became defensive to almost angry when some man actually attempts to flirt with me. My lack of physical sexuality comes out in this poster. My newest finished piece, for an upcoming jello wrestling party, features all of the girls that are (or were) attending in sexy, flirty poses. I've actually got myself center and straight forward.
Drawing myself for this was one of the most difficult things I've ever drawn. I do the occasional portrait of myself, but I'm typically frowning, a look on my face of utter lack of surprise and a posture that is about to spring into action. Not in a super hero kind where I save the day, but for mundane things like "somebody grab the mop for me." It wasn't until I started the piece I realized I'd have to put myself in at least a vaguely sexual manner. The personalities of the women shine through in most of their looks and poses, but what was I going to do for me? What's so sexy about a woman that doesn't smile often and is probably gonna punch you when you compliment her hair color? At that point, I started looking at more positive aspects of myself.
I can be extremely straight forward and while not always positive, it's sometimes admired. If I don't like the way something is done, or something about someone else, I tend to tell them. This is what led me to place myself center and facing straight on, looking directly at the viewer. I'm also fairly cocky when it comes to my physical abilities. Working out at least five days a week in a variety of cardio, weights and aerobics, you can tell the red head up front is ready to kick some butt while a lot of the others just wanna be cute and sassy. My smile is more smug than girly and happy, which suits me much better and my hair is it's typical mess. Of course girly, tom boy, strong, weak, skinny or heavier... all of the girls going are beautiful and confident women, and this includes myself. Especially in a pool of jello where skirts and makeup no longer matter.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

And Their Like, It's Better Than Yours.

I am all about food. I can't cook anything other than a mean scrambled egg or grilled cheese, but I'm willing to eat anything you put in front of my face. In fact, when recently going to see Les Misérables with my boyfriend in the city, my mind kept going back to the Doubletree we'd be checking into later... that promised me cookies. Hundred dollar, fourth row seats to see one of the greatest shows on earth, and I kept going back to the idea of chocolate.

Friday, December 31, 2010

A Venti Caramel Hot Chocolate with Soy Milk and a Triple Shot of Espresso.

Stylized portrait of my boyfriend. What else can I say? "My love for you is a fake size invented by an over-priced coffee company that has dominated the world." I say that's a lot of love.

Friday, December 24, 2010

My Obsession with Aquatic Life

People often ask me about my obsession with fish and octopi. Are you some kind of lonely person who can only care for fish as pets (i.e, friends)? Are you following the current and annoying Indy trend that everything has to have either an octopus or owl on it? Are you some sick freak that's into tentacle hentai porn? No, no and hilarious.

I think I'm just attracted to how they move more than anything else. Sure, the colors you can find in the ocean are fantastical. They have such varying shapes and sizes, forms and habits that you wouldn't find anywhere else. Yet, I realized, as someone who studied animation, it's how they propel and float and slink. This is what makes you sexy, Baby.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

So What?

First posts are the hardest in my opinion. Do you wanna hear about me, or do you even care? I guess I'll start in the simplest of ways. My name is Erin Riebel, and this is my art blog.

Everyone these days has a blog. Don't deny it, you know it's true. Your boss has a blog about the fish he catches, your brother about how much he loves KISS, your Grandmother even has a blog about shoe dos-and-don'ts. Actually, can you link me to that one? That woman has some fantastic footwear.

And, this, is my blog. About art, the act of making art, and so forth. So what is so special about this blog? What puts THIS art blog above and beyond some of the more accomplished and famed artists on the web? It's this little secret: the fact that, quite frankly, no one can read it and it wouldn't matter to me. I could have forty thousand followers, twenty, or just my boyfriend. That is because art isn't meant to be simply analyzed and written papers about in class, or the art scene with their white wine and designer clothes in a minimalist opening, acting smug. It's meant to be shared, in any form, to any audience and in any style. So that being said this is my first masterpiece to you: my fat dinosaur. If he can love himself despite his weight, and that no one will read his blog, than you can too.